
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Birthday.

28th April 2010.
Happy Bday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Fiqa.
Happy Birthday to you!

Sweet 20! Hey Fiqa! There is no teen in your age anymore. Act like an adult. Aiceh. Hhahahah. Moge pjg umo murah rezeki ye. I love you. I know you know that!!!! Sayang kau rindu kau. U r one of my frens yg I trust sgt. U know every single thing bout me. I share everythg with you! Take gud care of urself k syg. Frenship forever. Cant wait gombak nanti. U r my Dr Love! *wink wink!!! MMmmmmmuuuaaaahhhhh sayang Fiqa!!! Thx for everythg k!

To my ayah gak! Happy bday yah! I love you.

Hey hey hey hey..

Hey hey hey hey. I love you! :)

(When Mr Fix reads this, he will be wondering .. To whom the 'I love you' is?? Haahhahah.)

If ever my Big Daddy reads lah kan. :))

For Him Too.

Okay. I want this post to help both of you. Like seriously. I hope it helps.

If ever you read this, she's not on any side. She is just trying to give me spirit that I have lost. That is all. She always texted me saying she misses you. Like crazy. She cares for you. I am truly sorry that I might be the reason why you guys are like this. I dont want it to be this way. Yes.! I have probs with you. You have probs with me. You and me. There is no one else involved. If you ever notice, after she wrote the post, I have deleted the hateful posts of mine. She actually in a way has made me realize how rude I was to you. How harsh I was to you. You shud thank her for the post as I texted you saying I am sorry. She is not on anyone's side. She tries to be neutral. She is never on my side. Sumpah! I know. I know when people are on my side. She isnt.

My posts are meant to be my posts. I said in the next post that I dont wanna share anything about you with my frens which are ur frens too. Dorg akan tersepit. See! This is what happened. I dont want this to happen. Am writg post in the blog cz I have no one to talk to. NO ONE! It so happened to be she responded to my posts. In a way, she said to me, stop hating you. Which I did! Look at the postive side my dear. Jalan tgh lah die amek tuh.

I dont mind if ever u dont wanna be frens with me anymore. Like seriously, skang ni dah tak kesah dah. She is my fren which is urs too. I hope things can be solved. Be frens!

Cukuplah kite dah putuskan satu persahabatan dan silaturrahim antare kita. Dgn yg lain tuh, kite kukuhkanlah k.

Hopefully, u read this. I hope it helps! :))

P/s: Frens, if ever bace post2 aku yg ngarut2 tuh wat bodo je. Aku kan suke meroyan. Korg cam tatau. Hahahhahahah!

I really dont want things like this to happen. Be frens plz. I know u will! :))
Put ur smile on your face my dear.. You will be alright. :)

Love and Hate.

Love is a strong word, Hate is much stronger.

That explains why when we love someone sooooooooo much, we'll hate them even more. Kan3? That is when love is pain. *wink wink Dr. Love Dayang. Hahhaha

P/s: Ohh ya Mr Fix, I know u'll read this. And ya. I took that from you. Hahhaha. Pinjam ea. Tq!

Monday, April 26, 2010


You ask me to stay, I'll stay. And I love you too.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kick Ass

Korg. Tonton lahh KICK ASS!!! Cite tuh sgt bes kot!! Klaka n ganas!.

Ade 4 super hero dalam tuhh.

Kick Ass
Big Daddy
Red Mist
Hit Girl.

Hehhehe. Yg paling kagum ngn Hit Girl. Cz die budak2 lagi kot. But the way she acted, HEBAT! :))

And I am the HIT GIRL!

p/s: My FB profile pic comel! Saye suke. Tgk lahh :))

Kepada Lelaki. Bacalahh!

Ni ditujukan kpd lelaki durjane je. Sape terase nasib lahh!

LELAKI. Stop lahh buat perempuan menangis. Stop lahh sakitkan ati pompuan. Stop lahh. Korg ade kat dalam dunie ni pun sbb nak protect pompuan dow. Bukan main2kan pompuan yg macm byk dr korg wat. Cukup lahh.

Korg tak payah lahh mule2 TERHEGEH2 nak kat kitorg. Korg approach kitorg lu. Korg yg kate korg suke kat kitorg dulu. Syg lahh bullshit la ngn sweet2 korg tuhh. Pastu korg pun cairkan lah kitorg ni kan. Wat lah kitorg syg gile kat korg kan. PADAHAL KORG NI PUN TAKDE LANGSUNG TYPE YG KITORG NAK. JAUH SGT!.Pastu bile tanak korg tanak layan. Bile korg rindu, kitorg layan je. Bile korg cari kitorg, kitorg layan je. Bile kitorg rindu, bile kitorg cari korg.... Die pny respon cam kambing! IGT! KORG YG TERHEGEH2 NAK KAT KITORG LU. SANGGUP TGGU LAH. SGGP WAT MACAM2 LAHH APE LAHH. Last2 habuk pon takde! Dasar lelaki! Lelaki dayus. Konon nak tgglkan untuk kebaikan kitorg. Tanak rosakkn kitorg. Kitorg deserve better. Eh ngokk! Kalau dah tau kitorg deserve better, and korg tu tak cukup baik tok kitorg, nape lahh awal2 lg approach kitorg. Bodoh doe. Paling bodoh. Tp tol lahh. KORG MMG TAK CUKUP BAIK TUK KITORG PON! KITORG TANAK LELAKI DAYUS! Pengecut. Kitorg tanak bsuamikan lelaki PENIPU, PENGECUT, DAYUS, SUKE MAINKAN PERASAAN POMPUAN. Tanak aku. YG SWEET TALKER LG JAUH DR LIST. Ayat manis.. Tp habuk pon takde. hUHU. Tp lelaki mmg dilahirkan untuk berkate2 manis kot. Tkpe lahh. Sometimes, bnde tu wat kitorg happy.

So lelaki. Stop lah ea. takyah lahh mainkan perasaan pompuan sgt. Mungkin kau mainkan perasaan pompuan sbb kau penah dimainkan. Cube kalau pompuan tu tk penah dpermainkan. Sakit lahh bodohh! Takpayah lahh mintak cpl bile korg tau korg takkan lame ngn pompuan nih. Takyah. Korg cpl ngn org utan lg bagus! Takyah lahh bcinte kalau sekadar nak mainkan perasaan org. Okayy?! Hopefully, korg berubah lahh.

P/s: This post is general. Ramai je lelaki cani. TP TAK SUME KAN? :)

Dyg Dah Sgt Happy Skang. Thanks To You!

There are too many things happen in my life now.

And I have never been happier!!! :))

I just love my single life back. Single life rocks my world. I dont have time to cry. I am just spending my time laughing!!!! Being 'sakat' by my colleagues. Hahahha. I am happy. Like seriously. Even kene kacau. But if that makes me happy, Im cool with it! Im happy whenever I meet people now, they say "nape kurus nih, dah tak tmbm. " Sgt happy! Means diet sy menjd. Hahhaha. (but now, sy rase saye da gemuk balik! shitt) Hahhaha. Lately ni pun murah rezeki saye hehehe. :))

P/s: Betol la kate kau. Aku akan lg happy tanpe kau. Sbb baru aku perasan. Tym aku ngn kau, aku byk nangis je. Huhu. Thx for leaving me! :). Bukan susah pun nak lupekan kau. Dulu aku yg degil tanak. Skang aku nak lupekan kau. N aku dah lupekan kau. U r my history. Thanks 4 leaving me. At least, Im happier with my life now. *wink wink. Tp kite kawan kan3. Hahhaha. BULLSHIT kawan! :)). And im sure u r happy with ur life now. Hope so.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Aku tersepit antare 2kawan yg aku syg sgt. Just tell me what to do. And I'll do whatever u ask me to do. Im sorry. Thats all I can say now.

Aku tau kau akn muak, meluat dgr sorry aku.

Ok ,,

I'll be away. Away from both of you. BOTH. I know if ever Im awaying pon, the scar is still in your heart. It still hurts kan. I know. Aku tatau nak watpe. I'll be away..... Away dr die and away dr kau. If that will make u feel better and not crying. I'll do! If that will make you forget things, I'll do. If that can make you forgive me, I'll do. But I just know, you wont forget.

Sorry that I have to make this. A desicion has to be made. And this is my desicion. Fullstop.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Kisah Kerja.

Only now, aku aktif bekerje. Penat nye Tuhan je tau! Haih. Gaji sebulan sekali. Nak tggu ujung bulan tuh, haih! Cam lame gile. Pastu masing2 start lahh plan nak kua sane kua sini. Hahah.

"Dayang, jom bowling."
"Dayang, jom karok."
"Dayang, jom wayang."
"Dayang, jom lahh jalan2. Piknik ke"
"Dayang, jom pas gaji........."

Hahahha. Aah lahh. Masing2 tggu gaji masuk ajak aku kua. Dah bape ramai ajak aku kua. Gaji aku bulan nih tak sampai Rm200. Nak kua lahh wyg la karok la boling la piknik lah. Haih. Korg ye la keje tiap2 ari. Huh! Aku ni bibik tak btauliah kat umah. Bile aku ckp aku takde duit, mule lah membebel kat aku asal tak keje bla bla bla. hahahha. Ak no hal je nak kua. Tggu duit. Ok fine. Dz month aku kije kuat balik lahh. Ok?? Pastu bile aku kaya masing2 tanak kua. hahahha.

Ohh. 10th May 2010. Bowling Tournament!! Apin soh aku masuk team Kak Ima. Aku pun agreed. Aku terlupe agaknye yg aku ni satu pin pun susah nak jatuh hahahha! Tp takpe!!!

Fathi and Syafiq!!! Korg nak practice tok team korg, jgn lupe ajk aku!!! Hahahha. At least on that nyte, ade lah pin yg jatuh! hahhaha. Wangsa Walk pun boleh. Yg penting murah. Tgh sengkek nih huhuhu. :))

Thursday, April 22, 2010


It has been awhile that I started working kat PSB balik. Ade lahh 4 5 hari dah in 2months cuti huhu. Sekarang nih, I believed that I have put off my weight. Yippi!

They said

" Dayang, asal kau makin kurus. Dah macam org sakit aku tgk."
" Dayang, kau makin kurus ni nape?? Kau wat ape??"

I said

"Oh aku kurus sebb putus cinte." Hahahah. Mmg tak la cite die. Tym baru break tuh, Tuhan je la yg tau cane aku makan. Tak berhenti. Adik aku pon tanye nape Along byk makan skang hahah.

Aku tak sedar yg aku kurus sampai lahh aku timbang.

I have lost 4kg!!!

Kejayaan tuhh. Hahahha. Da sampai berat yg diimpikan. Tp rase cam tak cukup kurus lg. Nak kurus ck8 je lagi.

Tp yg tak besnye

"Dayang dah tak comel!! Pipi pau dah takde.!"

Cheh, bende yg aku igt wat aku buruk tu lahh sebenarnye asset aku hahahha!!!.

Kesimpulan : Dyg dah hot hahhaha.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It is confusing. Why is it if it comes to feeling, we tend to b stupid and blind and everything that makes us even more confused?!!! We cant think. We cant do the right thing we should do. We lost our control.

That is when all of these conflicts occurred. I was just feeling ok without him until these stuff came in. They said dont think too much about it. How can I?? It is about me and people whom I love. How can I ??

Conclusion : Appreciate whatever that is in front of you.

Wan, I know u r having ur happiest moment in life. Im sorry that I was too harsh . I have texted u this. U didnt reply. Dont worry. I expected that. No heart feeling. I dont know what's the point im writg this. But I juz want you to know I am still sorry. For what I have written. Hope, u do understand why am I acting like those. I just want to close the old stories and open the new one. Even if it is not with you. Accepted! I dont belong to you. And you definitely dont belong to me. Ever!!

I Know.

I know. I expected that. I know. I just know. Coz I know you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just Let The Time Heals.

I am all alone. I am lonely. I dont have anyone when u guys share things with ur loved ones. I hv nobody.

My ex left me all alone. He lives in a gud life. Let him be.

I am the single lady. The one and only single lady remember?

When u guys have someone to text to, I dont have anyone. My hp was in silent mode. I didnt put it in silent mode though. To portray how silent my life was.

I searched someone to talk to. And we became closer than ever. Until I didnt realize that I might have hurt my own fren's feelings. But at least , my phone is not silent anymore. I have my own company. Even though, we are just frens. WE ARE JUST FRENS! Though the texts that u hv read sounded so not frens. But we are.

Yes. I love him. U love him. He loves us. We are all frens. I know u r hurting. I am hurting. But tell me what else I can do to fix things? I really dont know wht to do. So, i think its better for all the three of us to let the time heals. Heals everything. Every scars that u have in your heart now. Every guilt that I feel now. Everythg that he thinks he feels now. Juz let the time heals.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Frens, Stay away from me.

Im lost. I dont know what to do like I can do a thing.
If I can turn the time back. The first thing I wont do was :


My pointer was better, ya!
But serious shit. Is my life better ? No.
Problems teach u how to b strong bla bla bla bla bla... So many thngs I've been thru. Am I stronger. Hell no!

Im sorry to those whom I have hurt badly. I didnt have the intention to do so.
I tried to b a very gud fren. But obviously I cant. I dont want to betray my own fren. Fren as in real fren. Thats the last thg to do.

I am sorry. I know u r annoyed with my sorry. But what else I can do. What else? I dont thnk I hv lied to you. I told you the truth. Sorry is not enough. I know. U know what. I am the loser over here. I am. I lost my bf. My close fren who might has been away from us cz of me. Now, Im about to lose you. I dont want to lose you, fren. I love you. I care for you. Yes. I did somethg that I am not supposed to do. I dont have intentions. I dont betray you. But its ok if you still consider me as your betrayer. I understand your feelings. Understand.

Org kate Dayang baik.
Think back. Aku banyak kali kate aku tak baik. Aku jht. Sgt jht. Kawan2. Stay away from me. I dont want to hurt any of my frens' feeling anymore. I feel bad. Real bad.

STAY AWAY FROM ME. Just stay away from me.

I am still sorry.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Inilah Kejujuran Yg Kau Mau. :)

Dalam diri ini, persahabatan plg utama setelah keluarga.
Aku tak boleh kate aku people pleaser sedangkan org pon jd pleaser aku.
Aku tak leh kate aku kawan yg baik sedangkan ade lagi baik dr aku.
Aku mungkin kawan yg jht tp aku tak sedari.
Sebab selagi boleh hati kawan, kite nak jage. Tapi dalam pade jage, kite tak sedar kite dah sakitkan ati mereka.

Aku pon seorg wanita.
Aku seorg kawan.
Aku penah menjadi seorg kekasih kpd seseorg.
Aku penah jd secret admirer pade seseorg.
Aku penah.
Aku ade ape yg kau kate firasat itu jugak.
How it feels to be lied?
How it feels to be betrayed?
Aku penah berkali2 cakap dgn kau macam mane aku suke sifat kau yg jujur dgn aku.
Jujur kau aku balas dgn jujur.

Jika persoalan kau itu memerlukan jawapan dari aku,
ini jawapannye:

Aku syg die sepertimana kau menyayangi kawan2 lelaki kau yg lain.
Syg aku pade die tak sehebat rase kau pade die.
Kau sendiri tau die macam mane.
He will always b there for you bile kau ade masalah.
Dgn aku pun sama.
Perasaan menyentuh kau persoalkan?
Sejujur-jujur yg boleh aku cakap pade kau.
Tiada. Belum ada.
I have said I might end up liking him
Tym tu baru leh aku cakap aku fall for him.
Aku rindu die bile kami tak keep in touch. Sungguh.
Aku rujuk padanya kalau2 ada yg tak kena dgn hati ni.
Tp kalau kau kate perasaan menyentuh. Belum ada.
Setelah berbulan2 aku cuba pendam rase kasih dan syg aku yg mendalam terhadap sahabat baik kau itu.
Hari ni aku mau jujur dgn kau.
Belum ada lg jejaka yg bertapak di hati ini selepas die.
Belum aku izinkan lagi.
Kerana hatiku masih ada dia.
Masa tu baru boleh aku mengaku pada kau.
Aku suka dia n die telah meyentuh hatiku.

Ajakan keluar bersama tiada niat lain. Sumpah!
Jujur. Tiada apa yg akan mengguriskan ati kau. InsyaAllah.
Apa yg kau fikirkan sgt jauh. Sgt jauh.
Apa pun yg jadi antara kau dan aku.
Dan salah faham ini.
Aku harap kita dapat selesaikan.
Kite akan bersama.
Ketiga2 kita.
Kau tau macam mana keadaan aku mggu nih.
Aku tak sabar tggu ari kite.
Ari di mana hanya kau dan dia boleh wat aku tersenyum dan ketawa.
Aku rindu kau dan dia.
Jgn disbbkan salah fhm ini, semuanya terbantut.
Kau btau aku kau tak suke gado pasal lelaki kan
Aku pon.
Kau antara kawan yg plg rapat dgn aku.
Aku syg kau.



harap ini dpt melegakan hati kau.
aku tak tipu.
aku tak ada apa2 dgn die.

About the previous post.
I'll tell everyone in the next post.
With his pic.

We Bettter Stop!

To my opinion, before I start to like you, before I start to fall for you, before I cant let you go, we better stop what we have started. Coz I know I will hurt some more. And I cant fall in love for the time being. It hurts. I cant put my hopes on you coz I juz know there is no hope at all. Stop being too nice to me. I dont wanna fall for you. I hate it when I start to fall for someone. Hate it! And I know I am about falling for you. When I realize I cant. :). Sorry. We have to. The end. Friends are us. We cant go beyond that. Its reality!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Slot Akasia Tv3. Terbaik!! Sweet sgt Adam (Sein) layan Maya (Lisa). Sweet sgt. Nak cari husband cam Adam lahh. Baru best! Ngee. Tgk cite nih wat saye senyum sorg2 cam org gile. Sebb sweet sgt kot hahha. Suke2. Tbe2 minat Lisa Surihani plak. Haih. Haha. Sbb die pon takde lah sosial sgt kot cam sesetgh artis. Macam still jage lahh. Tgk lahh cite nih tak rugi woo!

Btw, sok keje. Keje saye hanye dgn belon. Melecet lahh lagi jari2 nih.


Tq for the post.

Aku benci the fact yg nape lahh aku still syg die even macam2 die buat kat aku? How strong I try to be. I am not. I cant be one. Tu yg aku bnci. Aku benci diri aku. Aku terase bodo. Bodo. Nape lahh syg org yg dah nyate2 tak syg kat kite. Kalau lahh syg aku ni senang2 dibuang macam syg die tok aku die buang camtuh je. Kalau lahh sume bnde dalam dunie ni senang.

U have made me realize how harsh I was to him in this blog. Aku berubah kan? Die yg pakse aku. Die yg pakse aku bnci die. How hard aku nak bnci org. Org wat la ape2 pon kat aku. Aku akan ngalah. Kau tau tu phye. Tp tu dulu. Sbb sakit die tak same. Tak same cam skang. Aku yg dulu kutuk2 pompuan nangis tok laki. Skang, gile kambing ak nangis tok laki. BODOH! Dyg bodoh.

Nak suh aku let it out dpn die. He doesnt even want to reply my text. Inikan nak berckp ngn die. (ohh semalam ade lahh.juz takde ape). If ever I have the chance, if ever! I would do it. I'll do it. Blog tempat aku luah rase. Maybe kau kate aku patut call kawan2. Call kau ke, Akmar ke, Hatim ke. Tp korg kawan die jugak kan. How can I share this with you guys. Korg akan tersepit. Aku tanak korg tersepit. Kat umah , aku takde sape. Loser ke aku bile aku cite sume bnde yg aku rase nih kat adik aku yg umo 10 thn nih. How can he respond pon. He cried seeing me crying. He said "dah la long. Along jgn lahh camni." Huhu. My 10-year-old brother said this to me. Klaka. Tapi aku dah takde sape. Takde sape.

Aku just nak die rase ape yg aku rase. Aku nak Tuhan je balas. Tuhan je boleh balas kat die. I wont do a thing. I just sit back and relax. Wait for his karma. His turn will come soon. Very soon. I believe that. (huhu. aku bukan pendendam.he makes me like one). Stop blaming him. Huhu.

Thanks lahh kau ckp aku COMEL. Haha. Tu paling terharu tuh. Haha. Well. Its ok lahh if he doesnt see me comel as other people can see (perasan lak). But he shud appreciate me as a girl who loves him like crazy. (haih. hate the fact!) Ok!! I'll be the old dayang. Yg ala2 perempuan melayu terakhir tuh. Yg tak bnci org. Yg tau consider. Yg tak mencarut. Yg duduk tersimpuh (phye penipu. mane ade. haaha) I'll b one. InsyaAllah.

I've deleted all the hatred posts. Sorry to him that I wrote that way. Kite ikot perasaan. (macam lahh die bace pon kan) hahha. Haih!

Thanks kpd kawan2 yg sentiase bersame saye. Sayang korg. Thanks kpd adik saye. The only tempat saye nangis. Kat bahu die lahh saye nangis. Thanks azin!! Although I know u understand nothing. But at least u know how to appreciate me kan? :))

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Takde Ape Lahh

When I receive a call from anyone, I repeat, ANYONE.. I expect them to do the talking more. And more than 'oh. takde pape. saje je." pastu pap. letak tefon. Like durghh. I am the one who is being called here. Not the one who is calling. (ohh maybe the second one tu aku yg call. dah org call pastu cakap ape2 je trus letak. at least nak la explanation nape letak).At least, if dah betol takde bnde nak cakap, tny lahh ok ke tak. Sehat ke tak. Motif panggilan?? Hanye org yg call lahh tau. Haih. Asal ekk call?? Asal ea??? Oh takde ape. Jawapan mmg saye suke lahh. Huhu. Kot2 lahh emergency ke. Ade hal penting ke nak dbtau memandangkan bukan senang nak dapat call yg cam tu tu. Haha. Susah ouh. Mau sebulan sekali dpt. Skali 'takde ape'. Pelik lahh saye sampai skang. Kalau ikot saye lahh, mmg saye desak lahh org yg call tu ckp nape call. Tapi malas lahh. dah die kate takde ape. Takde ape lahh..

Nanti saye nak try lahh call org. Pastu ckp takde ape! Hahah. Disebbkan 1 panggilan tuh saye tak dpt tdo sampai pg. Kol7 pg baru tdo. Cheh! Abes tenage nih. Memikirkan asal lahh die call. Nak ckp ap? Yg die benci saye ke?? Tu takyah ckp. Dah nmpak sgt. Nak mintak ape2 penjelasan ke?? Ke ade yg tak puas ati ke?? Saye mmg camtu. Byk pk. Tp die kate takde ape. So takde ape lahh. Saye pon takde ape lah. Huhu. Skang saye sgt sakit pale. Tak cukup tdo. Huhu.

Btw, I appreciate the call. at least I know die ade num saye lg kan. Haha.

Terpikir gak.. Mungkin die salah tekan name org kan. And It so happens to be org tu saye. Dgn die2 terkejut . Hhahahah.


Today, so far, I only ate a bowl of 2 half-boiled eggs and 2pieces(pieces ea) of bread for bfast. Kalau ari2 takde selere camni konpem kurus! :)) Suke!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thanks Syg.. Hahha :))

Ohh. Thanks to you , SYG! hehhe. Only u can make me laugh when I hv probs. Thx. I juz need u right now.

(Sweet takk??) Hahahha. Ke terlebih sweet nih?? hehhe. Saye bukan sweet talker. Hahah. So awak leh percaye cakap saye ye. Hahaha. :))


Ohh. I am bored! Bore to death! Haih.

Nik Adilah

Nik! Like I care to be her clan pon. Cousin?? Cirit waklu. Tak de mase nak jd cousin. She is just being sooooo 'adk-beradik' sgt kan. Bile adik beradik die baik ngn kazen, insecure lahh tuh hahahhaha. Tah. Takpenah lakk aku jeles kau kuar ngn Azmin ke Amni ke Haiqal ke Faatin ke. Klua je lahh. Ape2 tah. Kanak2 ribena. Hahaha. Dengki khianat sgt tuh hahhah.

Nape tak ajak aku kua wehh. Nak kua ngn Faatin n Haiqal gak. Dorg kazen aku gak! Haha. (Just being sarcastic!) :))

My Ex.

I ym-ed with my ex before wan. Tatau nape rase cam nak nanges. He still nice to me despite the thing I've done to him. Cz he is really a nice guy. He didnt do anything wrong to me. Until now. He cares for me until now even it has been ages that we didnt contc with each other. But he concerns. I do concern bout his knee and the injuries that he might have. He is so active and passionate about his game. Haih. I know the knees are getting worse and worse in times. Coz u juz dont know how to take care of it. U juz want to win the game kan?? Hahah. As long as u dont need an operation, it wll be fine with me. Coz if i ever heard u hv to operate, that's it lahh. Its time for me to bebel lah kat kau kan. Haha. Degil sgt. Suh stop tanak nak main gak.

Ohh ya. Dulu.. When we were together, we have this plan tau. When I enter Gombak, kitorg cam nak p pasa malam same2. Since he studied kat sebelah UIA tuh je. Hahah. He asked me bile nak masuk . And I said bulan 7. Hmm . Takjadi la nak dating! hahha cz die abes degree by bulan 5 nih. Gudluck wehh!! Aku tau kau bolehh! Kau la mamat paling rajin blaja yg aku penah tgk. Strive for the best. Pastu keje, kumpul duit sikit, pastu kawen lahh. Hehhe. :)). I care for you! Remember that! :)) Thx for being so nice to me. U have made me laugh! :)) Still. Imy!

Cant you be like my other ex-es?? Ohh. You juz cant cz U R THE MOST CRUEL BF I EVER HAD!


I just read this one post that is really offensive. I mean, ya.. I know it has nothing to do with me. But I try to think for both side. The one who is posting it and the ONES who are being talked about in that post. For both sides, Im not that close pon. But ya. They are frens. Very old frens!! Which I know every single thing about them. Where they stay. Whose their siblings are. Enough of that. I juz want to talk about the post. i am not being one-sided!

The post is offensive. In a way that she talked bad about them physically like she has the perfect body shape and face ever. Or in harsh words, like she is smocking hot. Motive?? Jealousy. Jealous cz someone she was close to before is close with someone else. And that someone else tu pon is her fren. the thing is she is being so freaking childish. If u r jealous cz u think that that someone stole them from u, juz stole them back. I mean. get their attention back. Not by posting offensive post that everyone in this whole world cud read it. Yeah. She didnt mention a name. But still, we know who r u talking about. In details.

We are twenty. Stop being a high-school-drama-queen-she's/he's mine-not yours kind of girl. We share our friends. So that we can be frens with many people. That is the most important thing, girl!!

Buang segale hasad dengki kau. Baru hati tuh bersih. Ok kawan??

She's also the one who is not satisfied and talked bad bout me for getting highest Eng mark in class like I didnt deserve to get one. Oh I know she has the best Eng proficiency. And so what??. I mean we were in the same gang that time. U were my backstabber. So, stop saying people are backstabbing u when u did the same thing.! :))

Im sorry if I did sound one-sided! :))

Mat Jambu.

Mat Jambu is back in my heart!!! Heheh. I like him BACK! Juz cause he is now always onlining I guess. Hahhahaha. Ohh. Maybe, a new move is that we might go out together. Hahaha. Da lahh tak rapat sgt kan. Takpe. Its not that only the two of us je pon. Ade yg lain2 gak. Cant wait. Bile tatau. A date to be confirmed soon. Very soon!! Breath in. Breath out. Hahaha. :))

To my surprise, he has sense of humuor!! Haha. I thought he is one of those very geek-bookworm-not-a-girl-frenly type of boy. But talking to him, he is not!! He is cool!!.

Hey, he is not that bad at all okay! :))

"Wa nmpak je cam gengster, tp dalam hati wa ade taman lahh! "


Off You Go


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Found A new One

Found a new sweet talker!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha. Habis cair hati ni. Tapi aku igtkan diri aku yg die sedang menipu! Hahaha. Bakat yg diturunkan kah?? Hahaha. Ke mmg lelaki mmg cam ni? Ouh. Dulu saye cpt pcaye. Skang TIDAK lg.

May I not get a sweet talker partner,plz?? It drives me crazy!!!!!! :))
Hey a new sweet talker! You know who you are. :) Stop being toooooo sweet to me. Cz sometimes Im drown into it.


Im bored!!! Hey you! I miss you already!!! T_T.
Serious shit tak tipu ouhh. Baru je bape jam tak keep in touch. Cheh!!
Hey you! Im waitg. For you. Ngeeee (the right usage of ngee) hahah. Kan3??

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Ape kurangnye kau Dayang sampai endingnye cani. Someone asks me. My answer :

Byk lahh kurgnye aku !


The pain is killing me!!!!!!!! Serious shit! I cant take it anymore. Haih. Ohh. Not the hurted heart. My premenstrual syndrome. Period pain. Breath in breath out. Sakit lahh. Its hard to b a lady heh?! Haih

Emirza Azwan!

Emirza Azwan!!! What happen to you this past few weeks.. I expected more from you though. U started off very well. Good indeed!!! Haih. Emirza Azwan!!! I dont wanna lose you... Plz.. Do whatever u have to do to stay babe!! Cz u have to!

EMIRZA AZWAN! I know u wont read this. But I need to tell you this.

Cz I like you. I adore you. I start to love you. Dont make my love fades away juz like that! Plz ya! :(


Adira af8 nyanyi. Tersuke lak..

aku sudah berlari
mengejar yang tak pasti
mengejar kamu.. hanya dirimu..

kulantunkan hidupku
kubisikkan cintaku
hanya untukmu.. hanya untukmu...

tapi engkau terus pergi
tapi engkau terus berlari
jadi biarkanlah aku di sini

biarlah kurela
melepasmu, meninggalkan aku
berikanlah aku
kekuatan untuk lupakanmu

waktu terus bergulir
sakit tetap mengukir
jalan hidupku.. jalan hidupku..

berikanlah jiwamu
berikanlah cintamu
hanya untukku.. hanya untukku

tetapi engkau terus pergi
tetapi engkau terus berlari
jadi biarkanlah aku di sini
kau jauh dariku
kau tetap menjauh dari aku.

Akmar the half jande n half non jande lady.

Aku terharu bace blog kau tp kadang2 rase bodo gak kau nih hahahha. Ngok! Thanks babe. Hmm .Love you more.

Aku single. Tapi nape inbox aku penuh ekk kema?? Hahha :))
Syhh. :))


I am dieting. I juz want my old weight back. Thats all. Aku kurus kot tym skola dulu . Cheh!

Why do??

Kenapa lah ade lagi syg ni untuk die. Kenapalahh perlu lagi aku kesah pasal die. Kenapa lahh susah aku nak lupekan die. Kenapa?!! Its killing me. It hurts. I thought the hurted heart will heal in a short time. Nah!! Tak pon. Fuhh.

Hate the fact that I still love him when he doesnt. I still care for him when he doesnt. I still miss him when he doesnt! Dayang.. Get a life. Dont love someone who doesnt love u, doesnt care for u,doesnt miss u and doesnt even remember who u were to him before. He is living his life happily. Takkan kau nak sedih2 lagi kan3. HUHU. :))

ohh. it has been 2 weeks that I dont hear anything from him and about him. I juz hope he is juz fine. If u read this. I JUZ HOPE U R OK N IN A GUD CONDITION. I bet u r. Thats all/\.

Single Ladies

All the single ladies dah tak berape nak all kan. Daripade 3 org arituh, tggl lah aku sorg yg single. Ngok pny korg. Kate sehati sejiwe. Hahahha. Takpe lahh. Dah korg pny jodoh kuat melampau kan. Phye n Akma yg ngok hahahha. Happy single. Tp it does feel empty sometimes.

Dulu single but not available kan. Skang single AND available. If anyone who ever succeeds to feel in my empty heart with his love, he is the best man! Cz its hard to make me melt AGAIN with love after what had happened. I am waitg. For true love.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


And u know what.. I already miss u! Haih :))


After days of not stalking him, asal la gtl tgn sgt nak stalk2 nih. adeh. Kan dah parah. Tak parah pon! Tah!! Mampos lahh. Aku happy ape skang. :)).. Thanks frens for making my life!!

Ohh ya. Malam tadi saye termimpi mamat jambu tuhh. Haiyakk. Berkobarnye nak p gombak. Hahha. :)))


Yeah..! I updated my blog bt putting my fav song on your rights! hehehhe. MENYESAL by Ressa Harlembang..

Despite all the so many songs that u gave me or shud I say I think u gave me tp tak pon hahahha, this is the best I think but I know u dont like the song that much. Cz the lyrics.

I love this song soo much!! :))

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I texted him asking is he okay.. And I regret that i did that even I know the ending is he wouldnt reply. Makin serabot saye!


Fuhh. Apehal serabot sgt nihhh???!! Dont think. Stop thinking. I cant think pon sebenarnye. Hahha.


Should or should I not wait for him.?