Hye followers. I am not going to write on this blog anymore.
If you guys are still interested to read whatever stuff that i'll write, kindly visit www.dayangam.blogspot.com .
New blog , new me. Aiceh. :D
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Kalau betul suka, cakap.
Kalau tak suka, senyap.
Kalau sayang, luahkan.
Kalau benci, -aku peduli apa.
Kalau cinta, syhhh.
Jangan cakap apa - apa.
Sebab cinta tak perlu kata,
Cinta kena rasa.
Kalau tak suka, senyap.
Kalau sayang, luahkan.
Kalau benci, -aku peduli apa.
Kalau cinta, syhhh.
Jangan cakap apa - apa.
Sebab cinta tak perlu kata,
Cinta kena rasa.
BilaMana Mereka
Bila lelaki tak boleh nak control keadaan, bukan lelaki namanya.
Bila lelaki tak boleh buat pilihan, bukan lelaki namanya.
Bila lelaki tak boleh jadi rational, bukan lelaki namanya.
Bila lelaki tak boleh bertanggungjawab, bukan lelaki namanya.
Bila lelaki tak boleh nak sensitif, bukan lelaki namanya.
Bila perempuan tak boleh nak turunkan ego, itu memang perempuan.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Free Education and PTPTN
So the hottest issue now in Malaysia is that PR would want to abolish PTPTN and serve free education to all the students in Malaysia. Wait. I am not even sure when is the General Election going to be? Well. It's this year for sure.
So these are my opinions on this issue. I'm seeing this as a student and Malaysian. without having any favoritism and biasness towards any of the available political parties in Malaysia. Note that , people.
I would never want to agree with the system of PTPTN . That they students need to pay extra if they were to pay late. Everyone disagrees with this one. Having said that, PTPTN should not be 100% abolished. (mind you that,this is my opinion). I'm not taking the loan and i feel the burden of paying the university's fees. My dad feels the burden. The fee is like RM1000++ every semester. Just imagine. Maybe RM1000 is a small amount for some of you. But for me,it's a lot! So,PTPTN helps the family to pay the fees. It helps you, right? (to those who take PTPTN). So i am saying the system is the one to be studied and not to abolish terus. Kalau lahh anyone in Malaysia can study the system and change it a lil, every student can benefit from it. Contohnya, the students need to pay the exact amount of what they have borrowed. That should be, for me, well okay enough.
Free education. They even said that they wanna abolish PTPTN and serve free education. Well. I agree with the idea. If you can do it,do it lahh. Maksudnya if you find it possible to do it. Buat. I dont mind. Jangan janji kosong je. Nanti habuk pun tadak. Yang merana, student ni ha. Dah abolish PTPTN, tiba2 yuran universiti still sama tggi. Haaa. Kan ke susah. Ye dop?
Yang pergi ikut demo semalam. ramai pelajar - pelajar. Dan kebanyakkannya yang meminjam PTPTN. Use the loan wisely, students. Kalau guna duit PT pergi berjoli sana sini,jangan lah marah bila nak kena bayar balik nanti. Bayar tetap kena bayar. Okay?
Sebagai mahasiswa,it is never wrong to express your thoughts. Provided with we're smart enough to tackle every issue. Jangan ikut perasaan.
-saya bukan peminjam ptptn-
I am err back??
Hey peeps. It has been a very longggggggg time since the last time I updated my blog. I guess I was so busy with things and commitments.
How my life has been so far? Well. Can never be better. I love what I'm having now with family and friends. Letting go the commitment with a special one is the decision i have made last november. And well I cannot regret. Nahh. I don't regret though sometimes I do miss him. But hey. Life goes on. We just aren't meant to be for now.
Having a boyfriend now is the last thing that I would ever want to think about. Because now that I'm reaching towards my third year of university life, I should focus more on what I should have.
Third year student? How does it sound.Cool right. I want to graduate sooo soon.I wanna find good job, and kumpul duit banyak2 and settle down and have kids. Aha. Naaah. My aim for now is to graduate soon so that I could help my parents. My mom isnt working any longer. My dad is getting old by day. So as the eldest one, I should take the responsibility to jaga my family. Okay. I want to take the responsibility, I mean. Amiinnn. Kahwin is like sooooo jauh to think now that i dont even have a bf and i think my mom likes the idea of me not getting married right after graduating. Haha.
I'm hoping that this semester would be another great semester .InsyaAllah. Every semester is a great one. (Yeah. I am trying so hard to be positive in anything that i wanna do and think. Cuz insyaAllah, having positive vibes will help you to be a better person each day.)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Hati tu sekeping je kita ada. Susah kita nak predict apa yang hati akan rasa. Hati kita tau apa hati lain akan rasa. Sebab hati sama je. Hati rasa suka, sayang, cinta, sakit, kecewa. Kita tau hati orang akan sakit kalau kita buat macam ni. Tapi kenapa kita still buat? Aku pun tak ada jawapannya. Hati memang bukan untuk disakiti.Tapi kita pun bukan nak menyakiti. Kita ada pilihan untuk tidak menyakiti. Kenapa pilih untuk menyakiti? Sebab kalau kita pilih untuk tidak menyakiti sekarang, sampai bila kita kena terus hidup berpura-pura. Konon sekarang tak sakit tapi hati kita sama-sama rasa sakit.
Kita cakap tak sakit. Hati dah sakit.
Kita cakap taknak benci. Hati dah benci.
Kita cakap taknak sayang. Hati dah sayang.
Kita boleh tipu diri kita dan semua orang dalam dunia. Tapi hati? Kita tak boleh tipu hati kita. Sebab dia yang rasa benda tu. Kadang - kadang kita tak minta pun ada rasa tu.
Hati, kalau kau boleh aku kawal dengan senang, aku rasa aku tak seserabut ni.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Introducing Me New Familia.
It has been sooo long since the last time I blogged. Yeah. New sem has started and I have been very busy and stuff. Doing things that I need to do. Firstly, as a student. So many assignments , presentations and exams. Secondly, as one of main boards in a society. Attending meeting and stuff. And yeah one more. As a cast in a theater. Yeah. So this sem, finally I have the courage to go for the audition. And alhamdulillah. I am selected to be part of the theater. Yeay! Yippi! 3 commitments in a sem. That's a whole lot! Seriously imma not kidding you this. It's hard even to be at your room. '-_-
I wanna tell you guys what happened on my birthday. I know it's pretty lame. I know it was on the last last Saturday. Lame! Well who cares! Haha. On my birthday, as usual. I had EXAM. yeah bebeh yeah. ARABIC MIDTERM EXAM. And what's with that? I have been spending my birthday night with Arabic notes all over the place. Sheesh. Im not kidding. While having the whole lot warm wishes, I was studying like very hard. And nothing much happened. I know my birthday would end just like that. urghh. To make it even worse, I flunked my Arabic paper. Cool? Yeah. I know it is indeed.
BUT, it did not end there. My birthday continued till the next Monday where my theatre mates had a plan to prank me with tepung and stuff. '-_- They obviously did that dengan berjayanya. Well. What do you expect. Kau dikelilingi pelakon - pelakon kot. Harus lah lakonan menjadi! Duhh. Dan pengakhirannya........? Ramai yang tertipu . Cait.
Yeah. These are the gambar that we've got. Let's!

Err. Confuse dengan watak sendiri. Haha.

Yeah. This is Aiman! Comel kot dia. Well. He acted innocent tapi dia tahu what was going to happen. '-_-

Meet my scene mate and Arsenal mate. CAPIX. Eh. Syafiq. Si arkitek yang sombong. Oh. This is the mastermind. Muka sumpah konon takkan ada apa2 yang berlaku.

Syafiq, Tasya, Me, Nazmi.
We're having fun ambik gambar, aren't we? Tasya looked super gorgeous! :) She is also my scene mate. A great actress she is. Nazmi tu Used to be assistant director. :)
we looked clean, no?

Yang depan sekali tu, Sue. Our Assitant director. She is great. Tegas dan fun. Dan she is pretty.

Sebelah Sue tu Farid. Assitant director. Yang juga tau apa yang akan berlaku. Pandai farid berlakon! '-_- Dia garang but i know untuk kebaikan kami. Yeah yippi.

A group photo. How comot we were. Ofcoz lah aku yang paling comot kan. Grrrr.
Yang berbaju kurung itu adalah Fatin. She is so cool. We can talk about serious and not serious things together. Sometimes, i think the way we think pon sama. :) lelaki berbaju putih sebelah fatin itu adalah Shah. Newbie. Hopefully dia takkan back out. Yeah. :) Yang berbaju merah sebelah baju biru itu adalah Man. Pemilik gambar2 ini. :) Dia suka buat lawak dan main - main. Tapi I know he's got something to show to us! :) Yang buat tanduk kat aku tu, Qawy. The tallest man in UIA. HAHA. Dia garang gilaaaaa okay. Haha. Tp dia sgt professional.

The most favourite picca of all. :) Depan Tasya, si Aizan. Sifu Bahasa Arab. Dia lah yang dengan rela hati mengajar kami Bahasa Arab. :) Tq Ustaz. yang berbaju oren itu adalah Rams. Orang Sabah yang lucu dan sangat random. Ketua kampong yang berjaya! haha. Lelaki bercap itu pulak adalah Syafiq jugak. Syafiq ohsem kitorg panggil dia. Dia mmg ohsem dan dia punya BM. Errrrr. haha. Lelaki yang berbaju biru Everton itu adalah Afiq. Dia merupakan mastermind jugak. Seorang yang gila. Dan minat Chelsea yang kalah dengan Arsenal 5-3 aritu. Hhaha. Perempuan bertudung putih itu adalah fana. Cantik dia ni. Tinggi dan putih dan kelakar. Haha.
Yang tudung hitam tu, tayah nak introduce lagi kot. HAHAHA. Phye. :) Yang paling hot. Haha.

Yeah this is me! Look like whatever u wanna call it. I dont mind.

They are now my new family. I love them so much. Seriously and I miss them during this one whole break. Sobsobsob.
Dear theater mates,
Thank you for the birthday prank. This is really my first time untuk dapat tepung and stuff masa hari jadi. Haha. But thank you . Terharu. :') You guys really made my day. I wanna let you guys know that every day i'm waiting for the training sebab i know you guys can cheer me up even im having a really bad day. We are a family now. I know we can do the very best for the theater! Jyeah kawan2. Semangat2.
p/s : kepada next empunya bday, just be prepared.
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